Agriturismo Fontepetrini how to get there |
GPS position E/Long 11°4075 N/Lat. 43°7133
MAP CONTACTS Ing. Vittorio Rogantini
Via della Mattonaia, 40 50121 FIRENZE
Mob. + 39 328 9652935 E-mail: |
Fontepetrini is 19 km. from the centre of Florence (30 minutes by car).
1-From LUCCA: -leave the motorway A11 "Firenze-Mare" after the exit PRATO EST, and enter the motorway A1, direction ROMA; arrive to FIRENZE SUD; -exit the motorway at FIRENZE SUD and follow the instructions, same as coming from north; 2-From PISA: -leave the way "S.G.C. Firenze-Pisa-Livorno", after the exit LASTRA A SIGNA, and enter the motorway A1 direction ROMA; arrive to FIRENZE SUD; -exit the motorway at FIRENZE SUD and follow the instructions, same as coming from north; INSTRUCTIONS TO REACH FONTEPETRINI FROM NORTH: (MILANO - BOLOGNA) --exit the motorway A1(Milano-Roma) at FIRENZE SUD: from the toll gate go straight towards FIRENZE-CENTRE; --exit, after ca 2 Km, following the sign to: Bagno a Ripoli; --reach the centre of Bagno a Ripoli; then follow the direction: San Donato-Incisa-Arezzo --you are along the SP1 (“strada provinciale n°1-Vecchia Aretina”): you must run through it for ca 12 Km, and pass through: Osteria Nuova, San Donato in Collina, Troghi, Cellai; (ATTENTION: don’t follow the direction “Rignano” until you reach Cellai); --in Cellai: turn left towards a climbing road, following the sign “Fontepetrini-Rignano”; --after about 1 Km, you must take the unpaved road to the left of the yellow house, following the sign “Agriturismo Fontepetrini” --go up slowly along the road and reach the second house after the old Villa di Fontepetrini;
500 m of unpaved road; you have reached the house for guests. return to beginning of the page
the motorway A1(Milano-Roma) at INCISA: from the toll gate
turn left towards: INCISA. --after about 500 m, (just passed the old castle-tower), turn right towards the centre of the town Incisa, following the sign: SAN DONATO; --once you have crossed the river Arno, turn right (sign: RIGNANO); then you are along the SP1 (“strada provinciale n°1-Vecchia Aretina”): you must run through it for ca 10 Km and pass through: Burchio, Palazzolo, Le Valli, Cellai.
ATTENTION: don’t leave the SP1 before you arrive to
Cellai --in Cellai: turn right towards a climbing road, following the sign: Fontepetrini-Rignano; --after about 1 Km, you must take the unpaved road to the left of the yellow house, following the sign “Agriturismo Fontepetrini” --go up slowly along the road and reach the second house after the old Villa di Fontepetrini; totally 500 m of unpaved road; you have reached the house for guests.